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King Arthur II was born on Christmas Day 503AD, in Glamorgan, South Wales.

King Arthur II, ap King Meurig, ap King Tewdrig (ap means ‘son of’ or ‘successor to’) united the island of Britain under one Paramount King, defeating the Saxons, Picts or Goths who had invaded and settled on British soil.

King Arthur II is our greatest British King and his memory can never be forgotten.

Watch Ross Broadstock (and Sons) every Sunday at 8pm, for his Britain’s Hidden History show, only on YouTube.

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The King Arthur prophecy tells us that he will return to save his nation in its darkest hour.

Britain’s darkest hour is now!

10 Point King Arthur II Political Party Manifesto.

Bringing back the past to save the future.

  1. No more taxes.  And that includes income tax, VAT, council tax, inheritance tax, business rates and national insurance.
  2. Legalisation of all drugs, including cocaine and heroin (available via subscription only, on receipt of a doctors note)
  3. A change of Monarchy. Dumping the Windsor Royal Dynasty, in favour of Moai King, Surrogate King William IV John Wanoa.
  4. A change of monetary system, dumping the petrol fiat currency of the Rothschild Banking family, in favour of the £970 million trillion trillion Moai Water based economy.
  5. Bringing back the Laws of King William IV. (Hanging included for the most serious crimes)
  6. Michael Reynold inspired Earthship technology, applied to all new builds, allowing brown/green land sites to be utilised for social housing.
  7. Allocate the full forces and resources of the Law and Police to combat child abuse in all its forms, including child trafficking, paedophilia, child exploitation. 
  8. Adopt renewable energies such as seabed water turbines and other zero emission technologies. 
  9. Full disclosure and revelation of paranormal and alien government secrets. 
  10. Full disclosure of all state secrets.
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